Something special is coming tomorrow.

After six months in the making…I’ve got a big announcement coming at noon tomorrow. Stay tuned πŸ™‚ MT


  1. Introducing a brand new Podcast called: “Ming’s Thing” … your host, Ming Thein discusses one new “Thing” each day because he enjoys using up all his free time to teach others.

  2. i guess the first ever Ming Thein blog giveaway… ; )

  3. Fons Baerken says:


  4. Looking forward to it, whatever it is!

  5. Hassa Bad !

  6. I know….the first preview of the new Nikon D400. πŸ˜‰

  7. I know…the first preview of the new Nikon D400 πŸ˜‰

  8. Is it freebies for all your readers ?? Haha, look forward to it whatever it is!

  9. Hey Ming 6month for making the 2013 calendar is a bit too much don’t you think? πŸ™‚

  10. Karsten Fix says:

    IΒ΄m curious to see the new MingThein IPad-App!

  11. I am absolutely shure, itΒ΄s your new book! I found that in :

  12. That would be very cool!

  13. A little Ming on the way? I hope this doesn’t mean a new focus on baby pictures πŸ˜‰

  14. It’s more cruel to tease us this way than to say nothing at all Ming! πŸ˜‰